

Interview with Miguel Alcalá (Pegasystems)

What is your role at Pegasystems? I am a Strategic Alliance Executive, I provide executive leadership to Strategic Partners (Consultant Companies) in the Spanish and Portuguese regions. How […]

Customer Interview with Gail Armstrong (Siemens)

What is your role at your company, what are you working on with your team? Head of Cash Collection & Risk Management for GB & IE.  […]

Communicating with Pega through Facebook Messenger

Business Case Collecting invoices and receipts for travel-related expenses is a common process in most of the businesses. Our client wanted to make this process easier […]

Asana Integration with Pega

Business Case A lot of organizations, including us at Saltech Consulting, use Asana to help manage their internal affairs. We also use Pega to manage some […]

Let’s play chess in Pega

As PegaWorld is just around the corner, we wanted to help out Alan Trefler to play chess on our beloved Pega platform. For those interested in […]

Embedding Pega as a Mashup in an external website

Description The Pega technology can be integrated as a mashup in external web applications. By doing this, Pega cases can be run embedded in another website, […]

Implementing Directed Web Access in Pega BPM Applications

The Business Requirement When a request arrives into Pega, an email has to be sent automatically to the requestor external user’s email address (that is to […]

Custom input formatting in Pega

The Pega platform provides a great variety of user input field formats and validations. For example, from a simple series of numbers, after leaving the input […]

Automating UI Tests for Pega BPM Applications

Agile development methods are ubiquitous today. Stand-ups apart what makes agile agile is being able to embrace and deliver changes . The hard part is to […]